The following factors are only provided for guidance and may not cover all aspects of a SAR response. Factors shown under some elements are consistent throughout.
To select a rating click or tap on the appropriate list of factors.
Select the SAR response discipline category by clicking or tapping the
at the top left of the page in the header bar.
Open the 'SAR operation risk score' and 'Response capability score' categories by clicking on or tapping the corresponding menu bar.
Click or tap on each of the ten bars to assign a score to each of the
elements. If you need more information on how to score (rate) the
element, click or tap on the button
to the right to open up a more detailed rating guide for that element.
To select the score from the detailed rating guide, click or tap on the appropriate list of factors.
The location of the star in the 'heat map' at the bottom of the page will indicate the calculated risk rating for the SAR response you have reviewed.
To save the calculated risk rating open the 'Saved calculations' section and enter a description, there is also a field for additional notes if you need to record additional information.