The West Kootenay Regional Swiftwater Team had an interesting idea.
Let’s invite all the SAR and Fire/Rescue teams in the southeast and south Okanagan who have rafts and cat-a-rafts to set up a rafting weekend to build skills and relationships.
The emails went out and the response was good. We had teams from Nelson SAR, Castlegar SAR, Sparwood SAR, Penticton SAR, Oliver / Osoyoos SAR , Panorama Fire, Beasley Fire, Grand Forks Fire, Kaslo SAR and Fernie SAR.
After 5 runs on 2 rivers we had a great BBQ and got to know each other while practising hard skills in high-water environments. Such training events bring swiftwater members together to bond and learn new skills to help those in need. We decided to call our little get together “RaftEx 2014”. We hope to make it an annual event.
Much thanks to Nelson SAR for hosting a fine event.