2024-05-16 | Press Release
Ahead of the May long weekend, we’re asking for the public’s help. We want to keep search and rescue (SAR) task numbers as low as possible and reduce the severity of any tasks that do happen. In our efforts to respond to 1,750 search and rescue tasks per year, we’re...
2023-10-26 | Press Release
Sidney, B.C. – BCSARA is excited to announce the launch of the Adventure Hub – a new online custom-built platform designed for recreation users in British Columbia. What is the Adventure Hub? A free online custom database for outdoor enthusiasts to explore new...
2023-09-13 | Press Release
Sidney, B.C. – With 75% of British Columbia covered in mountains and 64% of it forested, B.C.’s diverse beauty and climate ramps up the challenges that ground search and rescue (GSAR) groups face. Between mountainous terrain, extreme weather and swiftly-changing...
2023-05-18 | Press Release
Each year, the BC Search and Rescue Association (BCSARA) intends on sharing the top 10 hiking trails with the most search and rescue (SAR) calls, in the hopes of helping recreationalists make better decisions before heading outdoors. After reviewing the data from...
2023-03-22 | Press Release
Sidney, B.C. – The BC Search and Rescue Association (BCSARA) is pleased to share that search and rescue (SAR) callouts have dropped from 2,100 requests for help in 2021 to 1,500 calls in 2022 – showing a definite return to pre-pandemic levels. Due to its mountainous...
2022-07-22 | Press Release
The last two remaining members of the Keremeos ground search and rescue group have made the very difficult decision to close the group down. Rose Koehler and Darrell Taylor, a husband and wife team that had been involved with Keremeos SAR since its restart in 2009,...
2022-06-15 | Press Release
All 2022 funding received from the B.C. Government has now been disbursed to ground search and rescue (GSAR) groups across the province. This is our first year to receive sustainable provincial funding and we thank the Province for its support. This...
2022-06-01 | Press Release
BC Search and Rescue Association (BCSARA) wishes to thank the public and the media for sharing and viewing our new trail safety video series which appears to have had a profound impact on the number of search and rescue deployments over the May long weekend. The video...
2022-05-18 | Press Release
Sidney, B.C. – With the May long weekend approaching and our historical call volume already at a record high, the BC Search and Rescue Association (BCSARA) through its program, BC AdventureSmart, is delighted to officially launch a series of videos that illustrate the...