No Charge For
Search & Rescue
Our Goal Is To Save Lives
BCSARA Official Position Statement
The British Columbia Search and Rescue Association (BCSARA) and its member search and rescue groups do not believe in charging anyone for search or rescue in the province of BC, regardless of the reason they have found themselves requiring assistance.
BCSARA believes that the belief that a lost or injured person or their loved ones will be charged for a search and rescue response could directly affect the decision as to if or when a call for professional help will be made. It is BCSARA’s position that any delay in the deployment of Search and Rescue (SAR) services can negatively impact in the successful outcome of a SAR mission.
There are over 1900 responses in BC each year; from urban searches for people with dementia, wilderness searches for people who become lost on hikes, to backcountry rescues using technical expertise and equipment. At all times, the moral obligation to respond takes precedence over any thought of charging for the response. BCSARA member SAR groups will conduct search and rescue missions when requested to do so by the authorized requesting agencies without charge and regardless of the reason for assistance.
The governing body of the BCSARA consists of 16 elected volunteer representatives from the BC SAR community and one representative from each of the partnering agencies – RCMP, Municipal Police, Emergency Management BC, BC Ambulance and Fire.
The goal of our member SAR groups is to save lives.
From the Board of the BC Search and Rescue Association
April 2021
No Charge for Rescue Videos
Long-time search and rescue volunteer Don Blakely (Vernon SAR) talks about why the British Columbia Search and Rescue Association and its member search and rescue groups do not believe in charging anyone for search or rescue in the province of BC, regardless of the reason someone may have found themselves requiring assistance.
- No Charge for Rescue Full Presentation Video
- No Charge for Vulnerable People
- No Charge for Hikers
- No Charge for Hunters
- No Charge for Drivers
- No Charge for Cyclists
- No Charge for Boaters and Swimmers
- No Charge for Foraging
- No Charge for Snow Machines
- No Charge for for Skiers
A huge thank you to everyone who contributed photos and video to this series: Ryan Morasiewicz (North Shore Rescue), Coralie Nairn (Vernon SAR), Jordan Townsend (South Fraser SAR), Randy Brown (Penticton SAR), Douglas Noblet (Nelson SAR), Dale Mason (Robson Valley SAR), Chris Mushumanski (Nechako Valley SAR), Alana Jenkins (Kaslo SAR), Dave Branco (Prince George SAR), Emily Poulin (Princeton SAR), Shelby Oe (Fort St John SAR), Mike Hudson (South Columbia SAR), Victoria Dyduch (Mackenzie SAR), Branda Arychuk (Oliver Osoyoos SAR), Kevin Meredig (Hope SAR), Sandra Riches (AdventureSmart), Llewellyn Matthews (Castlegar SAR), Birk Madsen (Central Fraser Valley SAR)
DP/Editor: Josef Perszon, Gravity Fair Productions

P.O. Box 2176
Sidney BC
V8L 3S6

For Emergencies, Call 911 or
1-800-461-9911 (Toll Free)
250-374-5937 (Cellphone/SAT Phone/Outside BC)