Outdoor Education Videos
AdventureSmart Outdoor Education
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Welcome to your one-stop shop for outdoor education, season and sport specific resources + online special events.
Increasing awareness to help enthusiasts learn about personal preparedness and wise outdoor practices, with goals of reducing the number and severity of search and rescue incidents in British Columbia.
These videos are for general educational and informational purposes only. They are not intended to be legal or other expert advice and reliance on such information or content of these videos is solely at your own risk. These videos are not to be used in place of proper planning, preparation, and professional advice.
The British Columbia Search and Rescue Association and its affiliates make no representations, warranties or disclosures of any kind and do not assume any liability for the information provided on these videos.
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Safety Series
Spring/Summer 2024

Hiking with Clara Hughes - May 09
Clara Hughes, the only athlete in history to win multiple medals at summer and winter Olympic, and thru-hiker, shares her experience of hiking 800kms along the Vancouver Island Trail. Her passion and energy are infused throughout this webinar and brings excellent hands-on experience for hikers of all levels.

Camper's Code - May 16
Have you taken the pledge? Camping in British Columbia is full of adventure, exploring, friends and family. Add in a little bit of planning, prep, packing, and a few bugs along the way because it’s always an adventure.

Human Hazard Management - May 30
This webinar welcomes Ken Wylie from Archetypal. Ken reveals the importance of clarity outdoors, the importance of empowerment outdoors, and the importance of resilience outdoors. This workshop will also describe how applying them directly affects your group dynamics on outdoor adventures.

Wildfire Traps Hiker - June 6
Hikers were trapped by a B.C. wildfire during the summer 2023 wildfire season, with no access back to their car, the trail or home. Hiker, Sage Randle, shares her thoughts, emotions, plans and actions from her incident. Chris Skinner, Columbia Valley SAR Member gives his thoughts on the extremely lucky circumstances and what others should consider when hiking in this region

Training for Outdoor Adventure - June 13
Dr. Peter Koci, professor at Douglas College, discusses body health regarding preparation for outdoor recreation and how training, done strategically and safely, can help reduce the number and severity of search and rescue incidents. Injury is the #1 reason and exceeding abilities is the #3 reason

Emergency Overnight Stay - Hiker Shares Story - June 20
Imagine spending an unplanned, overnight, in the mountains! Our guest, at 77 yrs., did exactly that. Join us as this hiker explains the rollercoaster and challenges faced from the time he left the trail until, finally, he was airlifted to safety. Comox Valley SAR member Paul Berry also a guest, shares insights from this SAR task, regional perspectives and reliable resources for hikers.

Are you CoastSmart? - July 11
Easy access to the coast often gives visitors and residents, a false sense of security. Local CoastSmart ambassadors Shandy Kariatsumari and Krissy Montgomery will splash you with their regional knowledge, entertain you with their coastal stories and definitely increase your awareness about how you can BE CoastSmart on the West Coast of British Columbia.

Rad Rides with Mountain Bike Pro Geoff Gulevich - July 18
BC’s mountain bike community, impacts of riding, respecting riders and trails, gear, group dynamics and awesome stories, it’s all covered with our guest Geoff Gulevich. Geoff’s firmly established himself as one of the most photographed and filmed free riders in the sport. The North Vancouver, B.C., native is busy with slopestyle and freeride competitions as well as photo and movie shoots all over the globe. Interesting fact: Geoff was a search and rescue ‘subject’ in April 2023 (skiing incident) and rescued by North Shore Rescue.

BC Wildfire Service - Climate Readiness in Outdoor Recreation - July 25
BC wildfire weather and conditions, accurate sources of information, and wildfire prevention are the hot topics of this event. Coming to you from the BC Wildfire Service Coastal Fire Centre, Warren Morozowski, Fire Weather Forecaster and Kimberly Kelly, Community Engagement Specialist are our special guests for this event.

Rad Rides with Mountain Bike Pro Christina Chapetta - July 25
Mountain bike guru, Christina Chappetta is an amazing advocate for Mountain Biking in her community. Join her as she runs through all of her tips and tricks for making sure you find the flow so you can really shred the trail — while making sure you can still get home at the end of the day!
Winter 2023/2024

Be Searchable with RECCO - Nov. 22
BE Searchable! BE AdventureSmart! RECCO is a rescue technology used by organized rescue teams as an additional tool to more quickly locate people lost, in trouble or hurt in the outdoors. The system is based on a harmonic radar system and composed of a detector and a passive reflector integrated into outdoor clothing and gears.

Trauma In The Mountains with Mountain Muskox Mentorship - Nov. 30
⚠️WARNING: Contains detailed discussion of a mountain fatality.⚠️ The Mountain Muskox, provides safe, supportive, professional and peer facilitated, group circles for anyone who has experienced loss or trauma in the mountains. Learn more about a support system that is available in case there is ever the need.

Recognizing Avalanche Terrain with Avalanche Canada - Dec. 07
Recognizing avalanche terrain takes a keen eye, insight and ‘training’! Learn from the experts and let Avalanche Canada introduce you, or remind you, to the key elements of safe backcountry travel. Guest speaker is avalanche forecaster Brad Christie.

Canada West Mountain School - Dec. 12
If you’re a backcountry skier, hiker or snowshoer, this event will set you up for success this winter! Canada West Mountain School, 41 years in the business, is one of the premier mountain guiding and training centers in Canada and we’re thrilled to welcome one of their avalanche instructors, Brent Hiller, as our guest.

BC Parks Winter Perspectives – Jan. 25
This webinar welcomes a BC Parks Area Supervisor who is also a 30+ year search and rescue member veteran with Prince George SAR. Dave Merritt will shares his enthusiasm for the outdoors, his insights for winter adventures within BC Parks, safety precautions and was available to answer questions about his work, volunteerism and outdoor passions!

Parks Canada Winter Perspectives - Feb. 01
Parks Canada shared their winter activities, winter safety precautions, and offered subject matter expert advice directly from two of the Mount Revelstoke & Glacier National Park representatives; Public Outreach Education Officer, Laura Bernier and Visitor Safety Specialist Jonas Hoke.

Destination BC and the Association of Canadian Mountain Guides – Feb. 15
Destination BC motivates travellers and the Association of Canadian Mountain Guides shares safety insights for winter ventures in the sea to sky region in this webinar. As partners, industry affiliates work closely with BC AdventureSmart supporting enthusiast’s adventures.

Emergency Evacuation with Pets - Feb. 29
Join Celine Rytz from BARK First Aid and emergency preparedness trainer Scott Montague as they help get us ready to “Grab and Go” in an emergency… all while making sure we minimize the stress on our pets.

Leave No Trace Canada – Mar. 7
Do you know what the 7 principles of Leave No Trace are? The seven principles of Leave No Trace provide a framework of practices and techniques that encourage minimal impact on nature for anyone venturing into the outdoors. Join us to learn more!
Spring/Summer 2023

No Charge for SAR - Mar. 18
- Chris Mushumanski, the president of the British Columbia Search and Rescue Association shares why BCSARA doesn’t charge for rescue and how this stance supports the very active outdoor population in BC.

Risk Mitigation in Outdoor Adventures with Dr. Alec Richie - May 25
- Dr. Alec Richie is a highly acclaimed emergency physician at Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver BC, a medical consultant for BC Emergency Health Services, and a clinical professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at UBC.

K-9 Safety & First Aid with Backcountry Aid + Rescue Kit (BARK) with Celine Rytz - June 15
- Do you know how to manage a K-9 emergency in the wilderness? Our guest does! Celine Rytz is a veterinary medicine professional at Revelstoke Veterinary Clinic, ski coach and a small business owner of first aid kits for dogs.

BC Wildfire Service with Meteorologist Brett Soderholm - June 29
- Fire weather forecaster for the BC Wildfire Service, Brett Soderholm is our special guest for this event. A multi-faceted meteorologist by trade, and an enthusiastic science communicator by heart, you’re in GREAT HANDS with Brett!

Alzheimer’s Society of BC - July 13
- Data shows in 2020/21 more than 80 SAR tasks involved subjects experiencing dementia/Alzheimer’s. Every subject group matter, no matter how big or small the % of our annual call volume, needs to reach their destination safely aka home.

Are essentials essential? With Dr. Jelena Brcic and SAR volunteer Jay Darbyshire - July 18
- Dr. Jelena Brcic, shares the ‘science’ behind the long-time list of essential safety gear and our second guest, Jay Darbyshire from Grant Forks SAR, shares the practical applications of why each item IS essential.

Survive Outside Program with Sandra Riches - August 03
- This workshop will heighten your skills with preparation for your outdoor adventures, helping you reach your destination in AdventureSmart style! #destinationishome
Winter 2022 / 2023

SAR Volunteer Perspectives - Dec 01
- Learn from our own search and rescue volunteers! SAR volunteers from three of the 78 BC SAR groups; Grand Forks SAR, Lions Bay and North Shore Rescue share their ‘boots on the ground’ perspectives during this webinar.

Recognizing Avalanche Trip Prep - Dec 06
- Recognizing avalanche terrain takes a keen eye, insight and training. Learn from the experts and let Avalanche Canada introduce you, or remind you, to the key elements of safe backcountry travel.

Snow Safety in the Backcountry - Dec 08
- This webinar fosters awareness of the risks associated with backcountry travel, focusing on how to be prepared and stay safe in unmanaged spaces.

'Sledder Sense' with She Shreds Mountain Adventures - Jan 12
- This webinar is snow-packed with experience, credentials, knowledge and hand on expertise including:
- Google Earth
- Sledding terrain
- Group dynamics
- Pre sled trip planning
- Snowmobile safety gear
- Sound judgement and reaching your destination

Backcountry Snow Safety - Jan 17
- If you’re planning a winter backcountry adventure this webinar is for you. Learn about coordinating your outing, being equipped with training and gear, plus what to do in an emergency. Heading outdoors? Start @BCAdvSmart #bcadventuresmart

Good Samaritan Helps Hiker + Squamish SAR - Feb. 23
- S.T.O.P. Stop, Think, Observe, Plan. That’s exactly what Jenn Robinson did as a Good Samaritan to help an injured hiker reach her destination aka HOME. Jenn’s story is all about helping others in need. Jenn’s story is all about using sound judgement and being AdventureSmart.

Lost Hiker Tells Her Story + Ridge Meadows SAR - Mar. 09
- Christina Behme wasn’t expecting to get into trouble during the fall of 2022, however, she’s grateful for the support she received from Ridge Meadows SAR in helping her reach her destination aka HOME. She shares her story of getting lost and calling for help.
Summer 2022

BC WildFire Service with Meteorologist Brett Soderholm
Learn about weather and how it affects your backcountry adventures with guest Fire weather Forecaster for the BC Wildfire Service, Brett Soderholm

Coquitlam Search & Rescue
Our guest Wendi Harder, is a 19 year veteran of Coquitlam Search and Rescue.

MEC (Mountain Equipment Company)
Learn how to organize your gear, what to pack, efficiency in packing & how your efforts will make a difference on your adventure

PEPAIR (Provincial Emergency Program AIR)
A ‘birds eye view’ is exactly what our special guest, Fred Carey, has had throughout his colourful career in aviation.

Royal Canadian Marine SAR with Randy Strandt
We’re thrilled to welcome RCM-SAR Station 2, from North Vancouver, with Randy Strandt a volunteer, as station lead, of 24 years to help us learn more and increase your awareness.

BC SAR Dog Association with Carly Trobridge
Carly is President of Nanaimo Search and Rescue and President of the BC SAR Dog Association, she will share her insights and expertise from both her roles, all in the name of public safety and for the love of (search) dogs!

LOST PERSON BEHAVIOUR with Dr. Robert J. Koester
the author of LOST PERSON BEHAVIOUR: A Search and Rescue Guide on Where to Look – for Land, Air and Water
Winter 2021

Snowmobiling - Dec 9
- Julie-Ann Chapman – She Shreds Mountain Adventures
- Jason Wutke – BCA (Backcountry Access)
- Chris Brown – Ride Whistler

Snowshoeing - Dec 7
- Rob Munday – Blackcomb Helicopters Chief Hoist Operator
- Nathalie Drotar – Nats Adventure Travels
- Ollie Hooper – Mountain Skills Academy & Adventures

Backcountry Touring - Dec 2
- Dr. Renata Lewis – Airwolf Medical
- Jason Wutke – BCA (Backcountry Access)
- Wendy Lewis – Avalanche Canada

Snowmobiling - Nov 30
- Cody McNolty – Ski-Doo
- Tyson Rettie – Avalanche Canada
- Dave Norona – Ski-Doo
Summer 2021

Northern BC - June 10
- EatWild
- Nisga’a Nation
- Prince George Search and Rescue

Vancouver Island - June 8
- BC Parks Ranger (Strathcona)
- Comox Valley Search & Rescue
- Cowichan Tribes

Interior Kootenays - June 3
- Kimberley Search & Rescue
- Association of Canadian Mountain Guides
- WildSafe BC

South Coast - June 1
- Squamish Search & Rescue
- Hikes Near Vancouver
- Talon Helicopters
Outdoor Education
Survive Outside

Survive Outside with Destination Hikes
We’re pleased to have author, and avid hiker, Stephen Hui join us to celebrate hiking, safety and his new book.

Survive Outside with Indigenous Women Outdoors
Sandy Ward is a member of the Lil’wat Nation, and an avid backcountry snowboarder, mountain biker and climber. She has been snowboarding for 20 years and has been a competitive halfpipe rider, snowboard instructor and backcountry enthusiast

Survive Outside Program On Demand
In the Survive Outside program, you will learn about SAR in your region; Trip Planning, Training and Taking the Essentials, and other outdoor travel tips. Our seasoned, knowledgeable instructors help you tie everything together with scenarios and analyses of real-life SAR experiences.
Hug a Tree & Survive

Hug-A-Tree and Survive
The Hug-a-Tree and Survive presentation is aimed at children aged 5–11 and is an AdventureSmart program that helps lost children survive in the woods. It teaches children how not to become lost in the woods, and what to do should they become lost.
Snow Safety

Snow Safety Education: Backcountry
The Snow Safety Education ~ “Backcountry” presentation fosters awareness of the risks associated with backcountry travel, focusing on being prepared and staying safe in unmanaged spaces.
If you’re planning a backcountry adventure this winter on snowshoes, hiking with friends, ski touring or split boarding; this presentation’s for you.

Snow Safety Education: Inbounds
The Snow Safety & Education ~Inbounds~ presentation is intended to foster awareness of the risks associated with skiing and snowboarding to make sure participants have the safest, and most enjoyable experience possible while outdoors. Participants will learn what to do before hitting the slopes this winter and how to be safe while skiing, or snowboarding, within the ski hill area (controlled recreation area).
Special Events

Comms & Tech: Making The Right Call
In an emergency, communicating with first responders requires technology, knowledge, and understanding of the steps necessary to make the right call.
Our special guests from the BC Search and Rescue Technology Committee will share their collective expertise of 38 years in SAR + 44 years in technology & communications.
Contact BC AdventureSmart!

P.O. Box 2176
Sidney BC
V8L 3S6

For Emergencies, Call 911 or
1-800-461-9911 (Toll Free)
250-374-5937 (Cellphone/SAT Phone/Outside BC)