Building on the success of RaftEX 2014, the second annual RaftEX was again a great success!
With 27 registered participants from 9 SAR teams around the province. Nelson SAR hosted a great training weekend.
Members spent 3 days learning raft operations on many different types of rafts and cat-a-rafts. This included industry standard dryland training in pre-trip safety talks, equipment rescue, rigging of equipment, guide throw bag standards and rafting quadrant theory.
Participants received instruction in raft guiding techniques to prepare them for their BCROA SAR Guides Licenses. Under the direction of a BCROA Trip Leader participants were able to log many hours to prepare for the SAR Guides exams.
On the Monday morning 5 members from the West Kootenay and South Okanagan Regional Swiftwater Teams became the first successful SAR members to pass the new BCROA SAR Guides exams.
Many thanks to BCROA Examiner John Dutton from Nelson Whitewater Rafting Co.
Video from the weekend: