The Board of Search and Rescue Prevention Canada are looking to establish a contract for Partnership Development and Project Management of the recently approved 3 year SAR-NIF project titled ‘Search and Rescue Prevention Enhancement’. A Statement of Work (SOW) is attached which provides the background, project details, what expertise and experience is being looked for, and how to submit a application for consideration. Please share this information to anyone that might be interested and qualified to provide the service.
SAR Prevention Canada (SPC) as a federally registered Not for Profit organization with a specific focus on prevention has the ability to seek partnerships with the public and private sector to help the delivery of programs by many different organizations. The SAR Prevention Enhancement Project will assist in addressing issues of support and coordination related to SAR prevention identified within the Quadrennial SAR Review, and support activities outlined in the AdventureSmart Strategic Plan and Partnership Engagement document. The project will bring together a broad range of stakeholders and prevention program delivery organizations from air, marine, and ground Search and Rescue; as well as those involved with vulnerable persons. An evidence based approach will define priorities for targeting prevention activities, potential for co-operation between agencies, how existing programs can be better supported, and what new programs are needed. The project will also engage corporations and retailers in SAR prevention; including providing funding, aiding in delivery of programs (eg displays in stores), and/or selling clothing and equipment branded with safety messaging. SPC will continue to seek the advice of stakeholders and engage partners based on the relationships and agreements developed during this project.
Thank you,
Jim McAllister
Search and Rescue Prevention Canada
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