The SAR Volunteer Joint Health and Safety Committee reminds everyone that their safety is of the highest priority. If requested to respond during this winter season remember:

  1. Travelling in avalanche terrain requires the same risk assessment and safety equipment as responding to a avalanche incident
  2. Keep hydrated and ‘fueled’, adequate water and food is as critical in cold as hot weather
  3. Take extra clothing in case you become wet or need to extend time in the backcountry
  4. Use lots of sun screen even in thin overcast conditions
  5. If you feel any symptoms of Hypothermia (shivering, loss of coordination, slurred speech) report it and ask for assistance
  6. Check on other team members for signs of Hypothermia or fatigue
  7. If you feel unsafe with any assignment stop and inform your Team Leader or Command
  8. Remember, it’s not just the subject that relies on you! 

A message from the Search and Rescue Volunteer Joint Health and Safety Committee,

Seasonal Safety messages are provided for SAR members as a reminder of specific seasonal safety topics, our first message can be found here.