Update: please note deadline for this position has been extended, the new deadline is 16:30 on July 5th , 2019



The British Columbia Search and Rescue Association (BCSARA) has been successful in a SAR New Initiatives Fund (NIF) proposal titled Search and Rescue Prevention Indigenous Engagement. The objectives of the project are:



  • To reduce the frequency, duration and severity of Search and Rescue (SAR) incidents within Indigenous Communities by ensuring SAR prevention programs and materials are culturally appropriate.
  • Increase SAR prevention programming in Indigenous communities by ensuring opportunities are communicated effectively and appropriately


Project Components:



  • Consultation with Search and Rescue (SAR) prevention practitioners and organization representatives, Indigenous organizations and public safety champions to bring together a large breadth of knowledge to assist in ensuring cultural appropriateness of current SAR prevention materials and programs.
  • Identify gaps in SAR Prevention Programs that are specific to Indigenous Communities that may require additional programs and/or materials.
  • Staging of a provincial workshop with Search and Rescue (SAR) prevention practitioners and organization representatives.
  • A final report to be shared with all participants and Public Safety Canada, along with any recommendations for changes to the national AdventureSmart programs and materials. Any specific materials developed for use in British Columbia will be shared for use nationally



In order to complete this project, BCSARA is inviting proponents to submit applications for a Project Manager. Please see the ‘Statement of Work’ for more details.