voteAt its recent meeting at the Pacific Region Training Centre (PRTC) in Chilliwack, BC on November 4-6 the BCSARA Board received a presentation from its Bylaws Director, Don Blakely, on the upcoming election. Don is working on revising the BCSARA Elections handbook which should be approved by the Board and released to the SAR community in December.

Some of the highlights are:

  1. Only 1/3 of the BCSARA Directors and Officers are elected in each year
  2. The following positions are up for election this year:
    Fraser Valley (3 years)
    Bulkley-Nechako (3 years)
    Cariboo-Chilcotin (3 years)
    Thompson Okanagan (3 years)
    South Island (1 year)
    West Kootenay (1 year)Officers
    Vice President (3 years)
  3. The difference in length of terms is due to BCSARA switching over from 2 year terms to 3 year terms. This will be the last transition year.
  4. Any member of a SAR Group may run to be a BCSARA Director. Any member of a SAR Group and any Requesting Agency representative may run to be elected as Vice President. An interested person is able to self-nominate and does not require additional nominations.
  5. Tentative dates (yet to be approved) are;
    a. Nomination papers for Directors positions are due to the Admin Assistant no later than 4 PM Friday January 27, 2017. The nominations can be e-mailed to
    b. Voting Ballots for Directors must be submitted to the Elections Officer, Don Blakely, no later than 4PM on Thursday February 23, 2017. Note that these ballots cannot be emailed, they can only be sent by regular mail to Don Blakely, Box 357, Armstrong, B.C. V0E 1B0 and must arrive no later than 4PM on Feb 23.
    c. Nomination papers for the Vice Presidents position are due to the Admin Assistant no later than 4 PM Friday February 3, 2017. The nominations can be e-mailed to
    d. Voting Ballots for the Vice President must be submitted to the Elections Officer, Don Blakely, no later than 4PM on Thursday March 17, 2017.
    Only newly elected Directors, Directors who are in their mid-term, other Executive Officers, and Requesting Agency representatives, may vote for the Vice President candidates. The votes may be emailed to

Looking forward to another successful election year.

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