Environment Canada is committed to protecting the environment, conserving the country’s natural heritage, and providing weather and meteorological information. Its mandate is to protect and conserve our natural heritage, predict weather and environmental conditions, prevent and manage pollution, promote clean growth and a sustainable environment for present and future generations.
Interesting Insights
Additional Resources
BC AdventureSmart Outdoor Education
3Ts (Trip Planning, Training and Taking the Essentials)
3Ts (BC AdventureSmart Video)
AdventureSmart Trip Plan App Site
AdventureSmart Trip Plan App Video
BC AdventureSmart Instagram
BC AdventureSmart Facebook
BC AdventureSmart Twitter
BC AdventureSmart Threads
BC AdventureSmart Summer Stoke Video
BC AdventureSmart Winter Stoke Video

Are you rescue ready?
During summer or winter, on land or on water, remember the three “Ts” – trip planning, training and taking the essentials. In the event of an emergency, make sure you’re rescue ready.