Revelstoke Paddlesport Association
PO Box 3297, Revelstoke, BC, V0E 2S0
Canoeing, Kayaking and Paddle Boarding
General Information
The Revelstoke Paddlesport Association was formed to bring together the nomadic paddlers of our community. Our goals are to promote paddling in Revelstoke by providing programs and equipment, organizing events, promoting safe practices and developing and maintaining water access and infrastructure for the public. As paddlesport enthusiasts, we advocate to preserve and protect free flowing, clean, healthy waterways.
Interesting Insights
Additional Resources
BC AdventureSmart Outdoor Education
3Ts (Trip Planning, Training and Taking the Essentials)
3Ts (BC AdventureSmart Video)
AdventureSmart Trip Plan App Site
AdventureSmart Trip Plan App Video
BC AdventureSmart Instagram
BC AdventureSmart Facebook
BC AdventureSmart Twitter
BC AdventureSmart Threads
BC AdventureSmart Summer Stoke Video
BC AdventureSmart Winter Stoke Video
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Are you rescue ready?
During summer or winter, on land or on water, remember the three “Ts” – trip planning, training and taking the essentials. In the event of an emergency, make sure you’re rescue ready.