Search and Rescue Volunteers Association of Canada

Search and Rescue Volunteers Association of Canada
Search and Rescue
General Information

The Search and Rescue Volunteer Association of Canada (SARVAC) is a registered not-for-profit and educational organization that supports, coordinates, develops, informs, promotes and implements search, rescue and emergency response with the underlying principle of saving lives.

SARVAC is administered by volunteers who train and practice search, rescue and survival skills in various parts of Canada.

The organization is supported by the National Search and Rescue Secretariat and is funded through donations and fund-raising events. SARVAC takes pride in offering a vital National service.

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Get to know search and rescue in BC

More than 3,400+ unpaid professionals in 78 SAR groups provide search and rescue services to residents and visitors in B.C., free of charge. Need search and rescue? Call 911.