This BC AdventureSmart webinar is all about snowmobiling, safety and decision making.
One of BC’s female leaders in the snowmobile community, Julie-Ann Chapman from She Shreds Mountain Adventures, is a leader in her field and guest on our webinar. She Shreds offers the ultimate backcountry learning adventure for safety, skills, confidence and fun!
Backcountry Access, Inc. (BCA) is a leader in safety technology. Jason Wutke, from BCA shares mountain technology and gear and his expertise.
Chris Brown founded Whistler’s biggest and oldest backcountry snowmobile & snow-bike adventure company, Ride Whistler. Chris helps sledders become better technical riders and teaches them how to be the safest possible in the backcountry.
Interesting Insights
Additional Resources
BC AdventureSmart Outdoor Education
3Ts (Trip Planning, Training and Taking the Essentials)
3Ts (BC AdventureSmart Video)
AdventureSmart Trip Plan App Site
AdventureSmart Trip Plan App Video
BC AdventureSmart Instagram
BC AdventureSmart Facebook
BC AdventureSmart Twitter
BC AdventureSmart Threads
BC AdventureSmart Summer Stoke Video
BC AdventureSmart Winter Stoke Video

Are you rescue ready?
During summer or winter, on land or on water, remember the three “Ts” – trip planning, training and taking the essentials. In the event of an emergency, make sure you’re rescue ready.