Outdoor Education
Be AdventureSmart.

Pack Like a Pro Videos
Get ready to unleash your inner adventurer with BC AdventureSmart’s “Pack Like a Pro – Essentials for Outdoor Adventures!” videos! Featuring 10 short, entertaining animated videos that highlight essential survival items you need for any outdoor excursion. From first-aid kits to navigation tools, these fun animations not only educate but also empower you to explore the great outdoors confidently and prepared. With BC AdventureSmart by your side, you’ll always be prepared for whatever nature has in store! Let’s get ready to “Pack Like a Pro!”
Know Before You Go!
Trip safety can mean the difference between a successful outcome and becoming a statistic in the outdoors. Whether summer or winter on land or water, remember the Three Ts. Be AdventureSmart, make a plan and leave a plan!
Does anyone know where you are going and when you expect to return? Leave a plan.
Obtain the knowledge and skills you need before heading out. Know and stay within your limits.
Always carry the essentials and know how to use them. Do you know the survival items you need?
In An Emergency…
Don’t Panic
Stay calm and maintain a positive attitude.
Remember to Stop, Think, Observe, and Plan.
Stay Put
It reduces time and search area for the authorities looking for you.
Seek Shelter
Protect yourself from the elements by staying warm and dry.
Signal For Help
Think BIG, think CONTRAST, think 3s.
Use whistle blasts x 3, mirror flashes x 3, horn blasts x 3, signal fires x 3 or rock piles x 3 to signal distress.
Create a ground-to-air symbol by making the letter “V” or “SOS”, at least 3 meters in length.
Stop. Think. Observe. Plan.
Then Act!
Who & When To Call In An Emergency

Call 911
If you need help in the mountains, your FIRST ACTION should be to call 911. Let authorities know you need rescue. The 911 operator will dispatch the RCMP and they will request Search and Rescue.

Cell Towers
When your phone makes an emergency 911 call, it will connect with any cell tower in range, even if it is not from your network provider. Therefore, a 911 call may go through even if you are not able to get cell reception.

GPS Reading
Learn how to obtain your smart phone’s GPS reading and ensure your location services are turned on. During the 911 call, you can relay these coordinates to the operator, who will then pass it on to search crews.
Contact BC AdventureSmart!

P.O. Box 2176
Sidney BC
V8L 3S6

For Emergencies, Call 911 or
1-800-461-9911 (Toll Free)
250-374-5937 (Cellphone/SAT Phone/Outside BC)