Trail Specific Safety Videos
Welcome! The BC Search and Rescue Association is excited to provide an exclusive series of provincial trail specific safety videos. These videos, from high search and rescue call volume regions in BC, provide the viewer with an in-depth visual planning resource which gives regional and trail specific information on terrain, facilities, weather, hiking times and required skills.
These videos are for general educational and informational purposes only. They are not intended to be legal or other expert advice and reliance on such information or content of these videos is solely at your own risk. These videos are not to be used in place of proper planning, preparation, and professional advice.
The British Columbia Search and Rescue Association and its affiliates make no representations, warranties or disclosures of any kind and do not assume any liability for the information provided on these videos.
The Stawamus Chief Trail
The Stawamus Chief is a granite monolith that stands 700m over Squamish with sheer cliffs dropping to the valley floor. Hiking to the summit of this granite outcrop has quickly become one of the most popular hikes in the Sea to Sky region. Although relatively short, this trail sees a high number of easily avoidable injuries and search and rescue incidents each year.
Juan De Fuca Trail
Renowned for its mud, rain and never-ending views, the Juan De Fuca Marine Trail is one of the most popular and beautiful hikes on the west coast of Vancouver Island. However, its unpredictable weather, challenging terrain and ever-changing conditions result in many hikers needing to be rescued from this trail each year.
Eagle Bluff Trail
Eagle Bluffs is a scenic outcrop that provides hikers with magical views over Howe Sound and West Vancouver. The trail can be walked from either Cypress Mountain Resort, or more experienced hikers looking for a challenge, can hike if from Horseshoe Bay. As the Horseshoe Bay section of trail sees more injuries and search and rescue, this video will dive into this section.
Mount Seymour Trail
The Mount Seymour Trail is one of the quickest trails to give you access to the North Shore alpine giving you spectacular views over Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. Despite its relatively short distance, and its close proximity to Vancouver, this trail sees a large number of easily avoidable Injuries and search and rescues each spring and summer.
Skywalk South Trail
The Skywalk Trail is a beautiful trail in Whistler that will bring you through old growth rainforest and high into the alpine to the base of Ice Berg Lake. Although this trail starts in close proximity to Whistler, it’s important to remember that you will be venturing deep into the backcountry and up into the exposed alpine where snow and severe weather is common well into the summer.
Howe Sound Crest Trail
The Howe Sound Crest trail is one of the most challenging trails in the North Shore mountains. Although this trail starts in close proximity to the city, it’s important to remember that you will be venturing deep into the backcountry and up into the exposed alpine where snow and severe weather is common well into the summer. This trail sees a large number of avoidable injuries, and search and rescues, each spring and summer.
Golden Ears Summit Trail
The Golden Ears trail is a challenging hike that takes you high into the alpine to one of the best viewpoints in the Lower Mainland. Although this trail starts in close proximity to the city, it’s important to remember that you will be venturing deep into the backcountry and up into the exposed alpine.
Mt Albert Edward Trail
The Mt Albert Edward route is renown as one of the best hikes in Strathcona Provincial Park. However, this hikes physical demand, challenging terrain, and unpredictable weather has resulted in many hikers needing to be rescued from this mountain each year.
Black Tusk Trail
Towering above Lake Garibaldi, the iconic Black Tusk is a popular destination for overnight hikers looking to challenge themselves deep in the backcountry of Garibaldi Provincial Park. Although this trail starts in close proximity to Vancouver, it’s important to remember that you will be venturing deep into the backcountry and up into the exposed alpine where snow and severe weather is common well into the summer.
The Grouse Grind
The Grouse Grind is famous throughout the South Coast for its physical challenge and grueling climb. Commonly referred to as ‘natures stair master’ this trail is located in the forefront of the North Shore mountains. Despite its close proximity to the city and its relatively short distance, this trail sees a high number of easily avoidable injuries and search and rescue calls every year.
Hanes Valley Trail
The Hanes Valley Trail is one of the more challenging trails in the North Shore Mountains that takes you from the valley bottom to the alpine peaks of Grouse Mountain. Although this trail starts in the popular Lynn Valley Headwaters, it’s important to remember that you will be venturing deep into the backcountry and up into the alpine where snow is common well into the summer.
Contact BC AdventureSmart!

P.O. Box 2176
Sidney BC
V8L 3S6

For Emergencies, Call 911 or
1-800-461-9911 (Toll Free)
250-374-5937 (Cellphone/SAT Phone/Outside BC)