Recognition Of Service

That Others May Live

With thousands of searches happening in British Columbia every year, the members of our SAR groups devote their time, expertise and training to take on sometimes hazardous tasks. This page recognize the exceptional service of some of those members.

Wall Of Honour

The Wall of Honour recognises those who have died in the line of duty, in the service of Search and Rescue

Scroll Of Service

The Scroll of Service memorialises members who have led lives of significant service in Search and Rescue.

Honorary Lifetime Membership

Honorary Lifetime Members are those with exemplary service to the Ground Search and Rescue program in BC..

Public Safety Lifeline Volunteer Awards

The Public Safety Lifeline Volunteer Awards recognise volunteers in British Columbia’s Public Safety Lifeline – Search and Rescue, Emergency Social Services, Emergency Radio Communications, PEP Air, and Road Rescue. The awards are given out every year by Emergency Management BC.

The British Columbia SAR Memorial

The BC SAR Memorial is a joint project to recognize SAR members across Air, Marine and Ground SAR who have died in service. Dur to be unveiled in March of 2017, this physical memorial will be on the grounds of the BC Legislature Building in Victoria, BC.


P.O. Box 2176
Sidney BC
V8L 3S6

For Emergencies, Call 911 or
1-800-461-9911 (Toll Free)

250-374-5937 (Cellphone/SAT Phone/Outside BC)