2015-08-05 | CISM
I am a SAR volunteer from Vanderhoof, belonging to Nechako Valley SAR for 18 years, and the BCSARA Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) team for 2 years. Over these years, I trained to become a ground searcher, team leader, search manager, a BCSARA regional...
2014-11-12 | CISM
Since January 01, 2007, the BCSARA Critical Incident Stress Management Program provides support to SAR volunteers through education and awareness and by means of interventions when exposure to traumatic events during a callout may result in Critical Incident Stress...
2014-05-12 | CISM
For the first time in nearly 20 years, teams from across northern British Columbia met together to train and network at the BCSARA sponsored Conference titled: “Northeast meets Northwest: SAR beyond Hope: from May 2-4, 2014. Organized by two BCSARA directors...