2015-05-21 | Update
The Board of Search and Rescue Prevention Canada are looking to establish a contract for Partnership Development and Project Management of the recently approved 3 year SAR-NIF project titled ‘Search and Rescue Prevention Enhancement’. A Statement of Work (SOW) is...
2015-02-07 | Update
Comox Valley Ground Search and Rescue is offering a unique and exciting opportunity for BC high school students over spring break to obtain: Certification in Ground Search and Rescue, Standard First Aid certification with transport endorsement, 6 credits towards...
2014-04-19 | Update
The first SAR Academy is now complete. 10 registered student candidates were successful in achieving their GSAR certification, their WSBC level 1 First aid, CPR C and their Transport Endorsement over the 160 + hours devoted over the past two weeks of Spring Break. The...