BCSARA Funding Model Announcement

BCSARA Funding Model Announcement

In January, the Province of BC announced $10 million in funding for the British Columbia Search and Rescue Association (BCSARA) as further support for ground search and rescue (GSAR) volunteers across the province.  These funds are essential to continuing the...

Alternate Support Model Accepted for Internal Review

To SAR Groups and agencies: On December 18 2015 BCSARA  and EMBC representatives met on the ‘Alternate Support Model for SAR in B.C.’ proposal. Following a presentation on the  reports from which the proposal was developed and revisions to the document reflecting...

The SAR Support Model

The BC Search and Rescue Association (BCSARA) has been working with the province, and other stakeholder groups on an ongoing support model including stable funding for SAR, capital projects, and SAR prevention (public education) for the past two years. The association...