2017-11-09 | Press Release
FOR DISTRIBUTION TO GSAR GROUPS, AGENCIES, AND INDIVIDUALS WHO MAY BE INTERESTED Attached below is a Statement of Work (SOW) inviting proposals for the provision of assistance to the BCSARA Board in establishing a Technical Rescue Committee/sub-committee and providing...
2016-08-29 | Announcements, Press Release
The British Columbia Search and Rescue Association (BCSARA) is very pleased to announce that approval has been received for funding under Search and Rescue New Initiatives Fund (SAR-NIF) to establish a sophisticated provincial on-line database. This 3-year project...
2015-09-13 | Announcements
This past weekend, 12 members from across the province took part in a Media/Public Information Officer Workshop led by Jim Stanton and Drew Snider of Stanton Associates. Regional Directors from the East and West Kootenays, Thompson Okanagan, Okanagan Similikameen ,...