2017-03-13 | AdventureSmart, Announcements, Press Release
AdventureSmart is a national outreach program focusing on outdoor safety education designed to promote personal preparedness, encourage safe outdoor activities and lifestyles concentrating on search & rescue prevention. The BC AdventureSmart Teams will be working...
2017-03-11 | AdventureSmart, Announcements, Press Release
With the support provided by the Province of BC with last year’s $10 million grant BCSARA was able to partner with the Lifesaving Society to run two teams of presenters for the AdventureSmart program. The teams, based in Vancouver and Kelowna, were able to make...
2016-04-25 | AdventureSmart, Announcements, Press Release
The British Columbia Search and Rescue Association (BCSARA) and the BC & Yukon Branch of the Lifesaving Society have signed a contract to provide additional support for AdventureSmart in British Columbia. As part of the $10 million funding to BCSARA from the...