Comments on the Provincial Funding Announcement

[framed_box bgColor=”rgba(142,197,154,1)” rounded=”true”]On Saturday March 23 2019 the Province of BC announced the largest funding grant to the 80 recognized ground search and rescues groups in BC.  BCSARA President Chris Kelly and...
Update on Announced Funding for SAR in BC

Update on Announced Funding for SAR in BC

On January 27, 2016 the Minister of State for Emergency Preparedness, Naomi Yamamoto, announced that the provincial government would be providing $10-million in one-time funding to help bolster training, administrative support and equipment renewals for Ground Search...

BCSARA Seasonal Safety Message #1

In an effort to promote a safety mindset within our SAR Groups, the SAR Volunteer Joint Health and Safety Committee will be issuing seasonal safety messages.   During interface fires SAR volunteers are often requested to assist in advising residents of alerts and...