2020-03-05 | AdventureSmart
The BC AdventureSmart Teams and volunteer presenters reached 17,161 people face-to-face between November 7, 2019 – March 3, 2020. 18,099 kms travelled. 8/12 BC SAR regions travelled to. 26/80 SAR groups connected with. 363 volunteer presenters/ambassadors currently in...
2019-08-29 | AdventureSmart
In their 15th year of public safety, SAR prevention and community outreach, the BC AdventureSmart crew have successfully reached their summer goals and initiatives. Summer 2019 was full of adventure and travel, exploration and excitement, in addition to search and...
2018-02-25 | AdventureSmart, Reports
Travelling 13,609 km, connecting with 44 SAR groups, training 85 new volunteer presenters, sharing their message at 31 trail heads & ski skills, delivering 74 presentations and attending 12 outdoor events, the BC AdventureSmart Teams reached 10,626 people...