
News & Announcements

RaftEx 2014

RaftEx 2014

The West Kootenay Regional Swiftwater Team had an interesting idea. Let’s invite all the SAR and Fire/Rescue teams in the southeast and south Okanagan who have rafts and cat-a-rafts to set up a rafting weekend to build skills and relationships. The emails went out...

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National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week

April 6-12 is recognized nationally as "Volunteer Week" in Canada and the BCSARA wants to extend our deepest appreciation to the roughly 2500 SAR Volunteers on the 80+ SAR Groups in British Columbia.  Each of our members provide a significant part towards the...

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P.O. Box 2176
Sidney BC
V8L 3S6

For Emergencies, Call 911 or
1-800-461-9911 (Toll Free)

250-374-5937 (Cellphone/SAT Phone/Outside BC)