Successful CISM Training Weekend

Since January 01, 2007, the BCSARA Critical Incident Stress Management Program provides support to SAR volunteers through education and awareness and by means of interventions when exposure to traumatic events during a callout may result in Critical Incident Stress...

Honour House

Honour House provides a temporary home for our Canadian Forces, Veterans, Emergency Services Personnel and their families while they travel to receive medical care and treatment in the Metro Vancouver Area. Members of our Military and Police Officers, Fire Fighters,...

SAREx South West

The first annual SAREx South West, or SARxSW, hosted by Coquitlam Search and Rescue was held on the weekend of September 27th and 28th. A “SAREx” is what the Search and Rescue world calls an event that combines field training, presentations and classroom...

Update on SAR Alternate Funding Model

During a meeting on September 10 representatives from BCSARA and Emergency Management B.C. continued to develop a approach towards an alternative Funding model for Search and Rescue in B.C. based on the discussion paper presented to the Minister of Justice in November...

SARxSW 2014

  SARxSW 2014 September 27 – 28, 2014 David Lam Campus of Douglas College, 1250 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam, BC   In the late 90’s, early 2000s’s Rick Laing of Ridge Meadows Search and Rescue hosted a series of SARex meetings. These...

Pete Wise Celebrates 50 years in SAR!

The BC Search and Rescue Association wants to extend our heartfelt congratulations and thanks to Vernon SAR Member Pete Wise who is being recognized by his colleagues this weekend in Vernon for his long service. Pete is an amazing person and if you have ever met him,...

RaftEx 2014

The West Kootenay Regional Swiftwater Team had an interesting idea. Let’s invite all the SAR and Fire/Rescue teams in the southeast and south Okanagan who have rafts and cat-a-rafts to set up a rafting weekend to build skills and relationships. The emails went out and...

BCSARA Promotional Video

The British Columbia Search and Rescue Association is pleased to reveal our first promotional video.  The video is a short indication to the viewer of what our SAR Groups provide around the province.  It was taken from video clips collected during the filming of the...