AdventureSmart Winter 2021-22 Job Opportunity

AdventureSmart Winter 2021-22 Job Opportunity

BC AdventureSmart is excited to be hiring for the winter 2021-22 season, based in Revelstoke, B.C. Working with another BC AdventureSmart outreach educator, the Team will increase awareness about outdoor safety, personal preparedness and incident prevention. This...
Labour Day Long Weekend

Labour Day Long Weekend

Date: September 3 – 6, 2021 Contact: Sandra Riches, Executive Director, BC AdventureSmart 604-671-2241 Media inquiries welcome. This Labour Day long weekend . . .  If you could prevent an injury, would you? If you could prevent getting lost, would you? If...
No Charge for Rescue Videos Released

No Charge for Rescue Videos Released

The British Columbia Search and Rescue Association (BCSARA) wants to remind everyone that at no time is anyone who is lost or injured in BC’s outdoors ever charged for the cost of the search or rescue when you call 911 and with that in mind BCSARA has released several...
BC Day Long Weekend

BC Day Long Weekend

Date: July 30 – August 2, 2021 Contact: Sandra Riches, Executive Director, BC AdventureSmart 604-671-2241 Media inquires welcome. British Columbia’s ‘Day’ is often celebrated outdoors by hiking, mountain biking, paddling and climbing....
Position on Paid Rescue Services

Position on Paid Rescue Services

The British Columbia Search and Rescue Association (BCSARA) recognizes that industry does engage paid rescue services in remote regions of the province, as part of their responsibilities as employers as set out by WorkSafe BC. Ground Search and Rescue Volunteers have...
SAR Prevention Indigenous Engagement Project

SAR Prevention Indigenous Engagement Project

“BCSARA is pleased to announce that the Project Management contract for the Search and Rescue Prevention Indigenous Engagement project has been awarded to 2 Badgers Consulting Inc of Westbank, British Columbia.” Neil Brewer, Project Lead, BCSARA “We truly look forward...
News Release John MacGregor Memorial Award

News Release John MacGregor Memorial Award

An endowment fund has been established within the Victoria Foundation by Mr. John Horne to memorialize John MacGregor (1889-1952), VC, MC and Bar, DCM, Canada’s most decorated soldier for valour. From earnings on this fund, an annual award to be known as the John...